für Abfertigungs-, Jubiläumsgeld-, Treuegelder-, Altersteilzeit- und Pensionsverpflichtungen gemäß österreichischem und internationalem Recht (IFRS/IAS 19, FAS 87, UK-GAAP, UGB, EStG)
Purchase price annuities, valuation of severance payments and vesting contributions according to the Betriebspensionsgesetz
Risk analysis and calculation of the consequences of pension liabilities (analysis considering the effect on gain/loss, liquidity and equity to appear on the balance sheet, analysis on fiscal matters)
Advisory in selection of parameters (interest rate, salary increase rate, fluctuation rate)
Demographic valuation
Fluctuation, salary and sensitivity analysis
Preparation of the personnel statistics
Actuarial projects
Actuarial modelling in the field of life- and non-life insurance
Development of actuarial tools
Advisory services in the sectors of auditing, pension funds, insurance companies and banks
Valuation of financial instruments
Valuation of primary and derivative financial instruments
Valuation according to customer-specific requirements
Interest rates forecast
according to maturity of liabilities on the basis of „high quality corporate bonds“
according to AFRAC (7- and 15- years weighted average interest rate)
Quantitative risk analysis in portfolio management
Calculation of risk measures
Simulation of stress szenarios
Regression analysis with quantitative and macroecenomical factors
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